
High Quality Technical Investigations & Solutions

Providing suitable & practical design solutions, correct investigations & Reporting for Clients' projects and matters, to minimise Time, Cost & trouble, & to maximise Quality & Value.

Since 1994, Principal Brendan Colgrave has reliably served Clients with quality Consulting Services by understanding their business and needs

BUILT ENVIRONMENT INVESTIGATIONS & SOLUTIONS (BEIS) is a practice providing Structural and Civil engineering, Building Consulting, Remedial and Forensic Investigation services. Based in Southern Sydney, BEIS services will deploy State and Nation wide as required.

The Principal, Brendan Colgrave, has a career spanning over 29 years in the construction industry, encompassing both Structural and Civil Engineering disciplines, amongst a broad range of project scales and types to $200M construction value (circa 2008) in senior capacity roles within both specialist construction and engineering companies. He has a strong engineering background in building structures of all types – Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Institutional, from small to large scale in both private and public sectors. He has worked for mid-tier and large consulting engineers including Waterman Group and TTW in Sydney and more recently managing Petrol retailing, RMS and Energy distribution corporate client projects for Richmond and Ross Consulting Engineers. Specialist Contracting exposure has included working for Freyssinet Australia as Design Manager for Post-Tensioned Building Structures.

Brendan commenced Forensic Engineering and Insurance Specialisation when he joined Crawford and Company in September 2013 as a Forensic Structural and Civil Engineer leading to an Engineering Manager role with them. Previous forensic investigations undertaken by Brendan commissioned by Building Consultants, Insurance Loss Adjusters and Insurance Lawyers have drawn on his extensive multidisciplinary engineering consulting and specialist contracting background.

Aside from the experience and capabilities of its Principal, BEIS service is enhanced by effective networking with a range of professionals and specialists to provide the necessary input required for complete successful project delivery and matter handling.

BEIS understands that client needs continually adapt to changing Technology and Business Environment. Needs also differ in terms of client preferences, such as preferred construction methods, desired format for engineering documentation, project resources available, time constraints, & other project/commission needs.

It is the Consultant’s job to develop effective Client Brief to clearly find these needs, rather than just a solution to meet technical requirement only. BEIS endeavors to do this for all clients and matters.